Make a bequest

A bequest can change lives… a bequest to SIM Australia is a bequest that will live on after you.

In a world where people are living and dying without hearing the Gospel, making a bequest to SIM Australia change lives for future generations and leave an eternal legacy!


Sowing into Least Reached People Groups over generations…

“We first went out in 1974 to work amongst the nomadic pastoralist people of West Africa. When we first arrived, these pastoralist people were not interested in the Gospel. As we began to learn their language and live among them, we were amazed at how God began to open their hearts to the Gospel and to us – especially as we shared in their mother tongue. When we first went out, there were very few believers, but now we thank God that there are many believers scattered across the desert.”

– Phil & Carol, SIM Australia Mission Workers

A Will is more than a legal document

It is a chance to give to those you love and to make sure that your estate is distributed according to your wishes. It is also an opportunity to remember Christian ministries that have been important to you during your lifetime. A Will may be the only time that you can make a significant gift to an organisation or charity that you support.

More than half of all Australians don’t have a Will despite the process being quite straightforward. When making a bequest, it is possible to nominate how you would like your gift to be used. For instance, you could bequeath a specific percentage of your estate, or a fixed amount, or specific items such as shares or investments.

Once you have decided what type of bequest you would like to make, it is important that the correct wording is included in your Will. SIM Australia’s bequest officer is able to help you with this proves.

A bequest to SIM Australia is an investment that will live on after you for years to come!

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