The place of prayer in SIM

One core value that is foundational to SIM is that every worker and ministry would operate “By Prayer.”

The pioneers of SIM understood that they could only share the Gospel with the least reached by relying on God’s faithfulness and power. By Prayer was the expression of their dependence on God. By Prayer we can thank God for all the good He has done and intercede for those who may not know Him.  

With our motto SIM By Prayer, our SIM global community engages people sending and supporting our mission workers with prayer. It is a discipline and gift we use to share in the joy and burdens of fellow believers around the world. 

As we’re dependent on God to soften hearts to the message of the Gospel, provide resources, cover us with protection and direct us, we come before him regularly to ask for His help where SIM workers serve. “By prayer,” SIM carries out ministry and life — it’s central to all we do. 

Support God’s work through prayer

SIM and our mission workers cannot reach the least reached with the Gospel without our faithful partners in ministry. We thank our individual prayer partners and church partners for standing with us in our endeavours to cross barriers to proclaim the crucified and risen Christ, expressing His love and compassion among those who live and die without Him.


How do we pray for global missions?

Prayer serves as a foundation for cross-cultural mission work, guiding, empowering, and sustaining individuals and teams as they seek to serve others, proclaim God’s Good News, and to share Jesus’s love and compassion all around the world. 

So often, we think of cross-cultural missions as sharing the Gospel through preaching, teaching, and ministering to physical needs. Mission work includes all of these, however if we do our work without dependence on God through prayer, we risk not seeking the guiding hand and power of the God who is the only one that can change peoples’ hearts. 

God is the one who draws men, women and children to Jesus by His Spirit, but He invites His Church to be a part of this great mission, and it begins with prayer. 

We pray as God’s children to the Father who delights in giving us good gifts. As children, our Father has instructed us to pray – so we faithfully obey. 

Who do we pray for?

SIM prays for

Our mission workers, leaders, ministry partners, office personnel and especially for the many who need to hear the Gospel. We pray for those we know well, have briefly met or only know by name. As members of the global church, we recognise God’s power in His mission to bind us together in unity through prayer. 

How often do we pray?

In the spirit of Paul’s words “pray without ceasing,” we aim to constantly draw near to God in prayer. Yet SIM has specific times throughout the day, month and year for focused prayer in a variety of settings.


What prayer tools can I use to pray?

Besides the SIM Prayer Guide booklet, we have other prayer resources to encourage us to endure and flourish in our prayer lives. The Prayermate app is a helpful tool that notifies you about daily prayer requests as you go through your day.

Need resources to pray for global missions?

There are more than 3 billion people who have never heard the name of Jesus. Find more resources to pray for global missions.