About the Region

In the wake of an unprecedented surge of migrants entering Europe in recent years, many of them from least-reached nations, SIM began placing missionaries in Europe. In 2016 SIM began placing workers through partnerships with European missions. Never before has there been an opportunity like this in Europe and SIM desires to faithfully respond to the spiritual and physical needs of migrants across the region.

Opportunities to serve with SIM in Europe

Learn more about SIM’s work in Europe

Skills & Interests

You can use your unique talents, gifts and experience to make a lasting impact in the Kingdom of God, for His glory.

We’re looking for ordinary Christians who are ready to serve in mission with these skills & many more: 

Health workers

Meet Our Mission Workers serving in Europe

What are you waiting for?

  • Many ages

    We’ve sent mission workers in their 20’s and 70’s.

  • Many skills

    What you do isn’t nearly as important as who you know – Jesus!

  • Many denominations

    We are interdenominational and facilitate Christians with many backgrounds. You can view our statement of beliefs here.

  • Many locations

    Our mission workers serve in over 70 countries.

Start a conversation with a Mission Mobiliser

If you’ve got questions or you’d simply like to have a chat with someone with experience in mission, we’d love to hear from you!  

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Need help? Speak with one of our Mission Mobilisers

Start a conversation with a Mission Mobiliser today to find out how you can serve with SIM in Europe. We look forward to helping you discover the part you can play in God’s global mission!

Mission Resources