Thank you for considering serving with SIM!

We are excited to see you play your part in God’s global mission. 

 Choosing the way you engage in mission can feel like a big decision, but ultimately there are two considerations to help you discern what God is leading you toward. 

Prayerfully consider your commitment to the location and ministry opportunity that best coincide with how God is leading you. Along with that, consider the abilities and skills He has given you to serve others in His name. 

Members (Long Term)

Length: 2+ Years  

We believe the most effective way for a ministry to have a lasting impact for God’s kingdom is for the mission workers to become full members of our community — and that takes time. Long term mission workers learn the language and culture, live and work alongside their neighbours, earning trust and developing relational opportunities to share the Gospel by continually investing in those around them. 

On average, it takes about two years to go from initial enquiry to serving in your chosen location of ministry. 

If you feel God’s call to serve cross-culturally, start a conversation with one of Mission Mobilisers today. It all begins with someone like you, someone who is ready to step out in obedience to God.  

Associates (Short Term)

Length: 2 Months to 1 Year  

Short term placements are designed to support an ongoing SIM ministry and provide an introduction to cross-cultural service. They are ideal for those who are uncertain about the length of service or have no experience in overseas ministry. If you’re looking to gain cross-cultural ministry experience, be a part of how God is at work around the world and see how you can be part of God’s mission for a lifetime, this could be a great option for you. The preparation process takes roughly 4-5 months, including the initial enquiry, application process, training and support raising, before heading out to your chosen location for ministry.  

Step 1

Become an Applicant 

When people are first checking out SIM, they are probably asking a lot of good questions: 

  • Is SIM the right missions sending organisation for me? 
  • How do I apply to SIM? 
  • How does SIM prepare me to become a mission worker? 

Individuals in this stage are called “Applicants.” This application process is a two-way street: SIM is praying about whether this seems like a good fit for the Applicant to join SIM. At the same time, the applicant is praying about whether SIM is a good fit for them.  

Applicants will submit their online application and provide 4 references. Once SIM has received the application and references, one or two members of the Personnel and Member Care Team will interview the applicant. 

Following the interview, a recommendation regarding the application is made, along with any further comments/suggestions for placement and preparation.  

 Our Mission Mobilisers and Personnel Team walk alongside Applicants and help them complete and submit all further required information and required documents (Doctrinal Assessment, Psychological Assessment and medical forms). 

Step 2

Become a Candidate 

Once all screening assessments are completed and a final recommendation made, the Candidate will be personally advised of this decision. Once accepted, the Candidate will then become an Appointee. 

At this time, we start working out the details of a cross-cultural placement. This process involves agreeing on placement, and this includes four different entities to be in agreement. These four different parties collectively sign our Stronger Together commitment to confirm the placement of an individual serving cross-culturally as a mission worker.
The four parties involved are: 

  1. The mission worker or mission worker family 
  2. The mission worker’s church 
  3. SIM Australia 
  4. The receiving SIM entity overseas where the mission worker/family will serve. 

 SIM Australia wants to help in the right ways. We don’t go to a country thinking we have all the answers. We have mission workers worldwide who are praying for you…praying for more workers to join them in the harvest field. But they also pray that you will come willing to serve, be flexible, and be submissive to how they have prayerfully been doing ministry for many years. We send mission workers out who are willing to work under the Field Leadership. 

Step 3

Become an Appointee 

When placement is settled, SIM Australia gives you a new title for the next stage of the process in becoming a mission worker, “Appointee.” Appointees have now been appointed to go to a specific location overseas. Appointees start working on various training tasks, including support raising, orientation and training, to name a few. Some of these training courses are done in-person at SIM Australia, some may be online trainings, and some in different locations. When Appointees have completed all the training requirements and have raised enough financial support, they are now ready to go to their chosen location as “Active Mission workers”! 


Step 4

Become a Member (Mission Worker)  

You have now become a mission worker! Your journey has just begun! SIM will continue to assist you through your entire service as a cross-cultural mission worker. We have an entire department dedicated to supporting and caring for our members. 

As you can see, the assessment process is thorough, helping individuals discern their next steps in becoming a mission worker and serving cross-culturally.  

Take the Next Step!
Speak with one of our Mobilisers!

Do you have a heart to serve in God’s global mission? Get in touch with a Mission Mobiliser today to find out more!