Why not you?

All Christians are called by Christ to share the Gospel (Matthew 28). So, we all have a role to play in global mission; it’s just a matter of you exploring when, where, and how. 

The question you need to ask yourself isn’t “Why Mission?” – it’s “Why Not Me?” 

SIM workers serve in mission in over 70 countries around the world. Whoever you are, God can work through you to bring least-reached people to Christ!

Ready to talk? We’d love to take the next step with you! 

God has called all believers to go and make disciples

Every believer is called to intentionally share God’s love and compassion with others, sharing His plan of redemption through Jesus, and mutually growing in relationship with Him in covenant community. This command is summed up by the passage of Scripture known as the Great Commission, where Jesus tells His people to go and make disciples. 

So, if you’re a follower of Jesus, you have been called to be a witness to the world, in the ways you live and work, pointing others toward Him. 

One example of missions from the Bible

A mission worker is one whom God sets apart to serve as a vocation or for a season of life wholly dedicated to ministry and supported prayerfully and financially by God’s people. 

This is modelled by the early Church in Acts 13:2-3 as they prayerfully send out Paul and Barnabas, whom God has “called” for this purpose: 

While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So, after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.’ 

The “how” and “where” is different for everyone, and they can change over time as believers grow and God introduces new opportunities to participate in His kingdom – locally and globally. Live each day in obedient pursuit of the God who calls! 

Prayerfully discern God’s leading in community

We know the idea of pursuing global mission work comes with a lot of questions, and the path to learning more is not always clearly defined. As you look for answers to your questions and consider how God may be leading you, here are two ways that can help bring clarity and insight, along with relevant experience. 

1 . Pray earnestly  

Ask trusted friends, family, church leaders and your Mission Mobiliser to pray for you and with you about the way God is leading you. Begin a habit of praying regularly for global missions and ask God to send more workers to the Harvest field.

2. Seek guidance

Talk to people who know you best, connect with leaders at your church and learn about different ways to serve by starting a conversation with a SIM Australia Mission Mobiliser. Read stories and watch videos about mission workers, ministries, and least-reached people groups. 

Your next step

You shouldn’t wait until you’re sent to another country to begin serving the Lord and exploring the ways He can use your skills, interests, and passions to grow His kingdom cross-culturally! By faithfully engaging in ministry where you are now, you may begin to sense how God could be shaping and leading you toward full-time service in the future. You can gain hands-on experience by serving with a SIM ministry located in Australia through ‘Across’. Across facilitates mission workers within Australia to reach communities that are yet to hear the Gospel, such as migrants, refugees and university students. 

You can also serve in a short term placement through SIM Australia. Short term placements provide the opportunity for you to gain cross-cultural ministry experience, be a part of how God is at work around the world and see how you can be part of God’s mission for a lifetime, this could be a great option for you. You don’t have to be ready to buy a one-way ticket to start a conversation with SIM Australia! Consider this your invitation to simply learn more about what it would be like to say “yes” to God for cross-cultural ministry. 

Skills & Interests

You can use your unique talents, gifts and experience to make a lasting impact in the Kingdom of God, for His glory.

We’re looking for ordinary Christians who are ready to serve in mission as: 

Health workers

What are you waiting for?

  • Many ages

    We’ve sent mission workers in their 20’s and 70’s.

  • Many skills

    What you do isn’t nearly as important as who you know – Jesus!

  • Many denominations

    We are interdenominational and facilitate Christians with many backgrounds. You can view our statement of beliefs here.

  • Many locations

    Our mission workers serve in over 70 countries.

Start a conversation with a Mission Mobiliser

If you’ve got questions or you’d simply like to have a chat with someone with experience in mission, we’d love to hear from you!  

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Need help?
Speak with one of our Mobilisers!

Would you like to discuss with us how mission could be for you? Talk to one of our experienced mission mobilisers at SIM today!