Why go with SIM?

There are many organisations engaged in God’s global mission around the world—each with a unique story and approach to ministry. SIM (Serving In Mission) has certain distinctives that can help you understand more about us and how we partner with those whom God leads to serve with SIM. That’s a privilege for God’s glory! 

What makes us different?

  • We are convinced that every community in the world, no matter where, needs to hear God’s Good News. So, we send those whom God has called to all parts of the world and to establish ministries in least reached communities. We believe God can use you just as you are, and we are committed to finding a way that your skills and talents can be used in a Gospel context.  

  • We love multicultural teams and send mission workers of any nationality. SIM doesn’t just send mission workers from traditional Western sending-countries – we encourage churches in any country to send mission workers to serve in cross-cultural mission. Our mission workers, staff and partners represent a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds and this enriches our ministry. We’ve sent Peruvians to South Asia, South Asians to Bolivia, and Papuans to South Asia. 

  • We value local partnerships – we partner closely with local churches, Bible colleges, schools and hospitals. The role of the mission workers is to partner with local believers to carry out ministry side by side. We send mission workers to serve at the invitation of local Christian partners to offer the expertise and training they need to increase their effectiveness. 

Types of services

We provide our mission workers a wide range of support services:



We have 130+ years of proven experience in cross-cultural mission.  


SIM operates ‘By Prayer’. We pray for our mission workers by name and our Home Staff and hundreds of prayer partners devote special time every weekday to intercessory prayer.  


Internationally, SIM has over 4000 workers worldwide! We have hundreds of partners and projects in our network.  



Explore hundreds of mission opportunities in over 70 countries, including in restricted access countries. These opportunities include skills-based roles including health, education, children & youth ministries, and aid & development.  


Explore opportunities to serve in new, pioneering, creative mission ministries. We love innovative approaches to mission like ‘business as mission’ and mission through sports, drama and music.  


Resource And Training

Our induction program for new mission workers includes mission training and orientation, resources and promotion to help them prepare and raise their financial and prayer support. 

Health Cover

As members of SIM, our mission workers are covered under our own cooperative health plan. 

Financial Certainty

SIM tailors a budget for each mission worker that includes set up costs, living expenses, ministry expenses, health cover, resettlement savings and emergency contingencies. We monitor and review support plans on an annual basis to take into consideration changes in circumstances and exchange rates. You’ll know what you receive each month!  


Mentoring & Pastoral Care

We assign a Mission Mobiliser to each mission worker who provides mentoring, pastoral care and support throughout the whole journey of cross-cultural service. Our qualified Member Care Team are also on hand to support our mission workers. 

Biblical-Based Counselling

SIM provides our mission workers with a list of biblically based, professional, counselling services by qualified counsellors that can be engaged should they need extra help.

Crisis Management

Each SIM field office has contingency plans in place to help our mission workers stay safe, or be evacuated to another location or country in the event of civil unrest, medical emergency or other natural disaster. 

Those who have served with us

My Mission Mobiliser Jay was easy to talk to and shared openly about his own mission experiences as I navigated my path to membership with SIM. He helped me understand the organisation, and put me in contact with conferences for potential support raising opportunities. Most of all, he was very supportive of me throughout the journey.


Mission worker

Take the Next Step!

If you’ve got questions or you’d simply like to have a chat with someone who has experience in mission, then we’d love to hear what the Lord is stirring in your heart and to pray with you as you explore mission. Start the conversation with a Mission Mobiliser today.