Stewarding Finance

Using a small portion of donations for fundraising enables SIM to provide greater support for our mission workers and priority projects. For every dollar spent on fundraising, we receive many times more in return, which bears fruit in the lives of the least reached as they are impacted through the ministries and programs of our mission workers and partners around the world.


Your Partnership is Important

Our mission is made possible through the support of generous Australians. We rely on people like you to support our missionaries and projects so we can reach the least reached with the light and love of Jesus Christ. We value your trust and confidence and we won’t take it for granted.

– 95% of our funds come from the Australian community (people like you!)

– 5% of our funds come from other sources

SIM Effect Report

A yearly overview of our work including our priority projects, ministry highlights and financial summary. Find out how your prayers and gifts are making a difference!

Partner with us

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We comply with the standards of Missions Interlink and we are independently audited annually by Theway Accounting Services Pty Ltd Chartered Accountants.
For a copy of our audited financial statements, please contact our Finance Manager by calling
1300746 580 or (02) 9580 1422.