Omar Djoeandy


Omar continues to serve half-time preaching, teaching, coaching and mentoring individuals and mission leaders in global missions and discerning God’s purpose. Through his book Redefining Success According to Jesus, Omar seeks to help Christians refute worldly success, be Kingdom-focused, and give generously to God’s missions. Kay works as a Counsellor.

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Prayer Updates

Tuesday 03 September 2024

Omar (& Kay) Djoeandy…

Omar (& Kay) Djoeandy (Australia) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
Praise for God’s help in facilitating a workshop at the Missions Interlink conference and preaching in Melbourne (July) and Brisbane (August). Omar will accompany his mother to visit family in Indonesia 3 – 23 September. Pray for fruitful speaking opportunities on Redefining Success according to Jesus and Missions in Bible colleges and churches and effective interpreters.

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