Children’s Uplift Program (CUP)

This project gives shelter, counselling and health services in the city of Dhaka to girls, mothers and pregnant women who have been forced into sex slavery or at-risk due to poverty, homelessness or trafficking. The project offers education and training that includes literacy classes, teaching in life skills, parenting and vocational skills in jewellery-making and sewing, and employment opportunities at a partner fair-trade business. This training allows the women to have an alternative livelihood and support their families.

CUP brings freedom to vulnerable families and protects them from the risk of exploitation and trafficking. The goal is to see mothers break the cycle of poverty and give themselves and their children hope and dignity for the future.

This is a SIMaid project and gifts to it are tax-deductible.

God created them, loves them and cares for them. They have dignity inherent…

– Fiona, mission worker with SIM & co-founder of CUP

Fiona co-founded CUP and has been serving the people of Bangladesh using her professional skills in social work. Motivated by Christ’s love and compassion, her heart is to see families transformed.

Many of the women impacted by CUP shared that no one had ever cared for them. Our workers are making a difference through this project to share that God created them, loves them, and considers each one of them special and made in His image.

The compassion shown to these women gives them confidence and hope for the future of their families.

Meet SIM mission workers on the field