Today, tens of millions of people are trapped in human trafficking and exploitation in every country of the world. This project equips SIM teams, workers and ministry partners to help prevent human trafficking and exploitation by reducing root causes of vulnerability. Churches are empowered to address the needs of the most vulnerable in communities where Christ is least known.

For Freedom is the anti-trafficking and exploitation ministry of SIM International, responsible for coordinating SIM’s global anti-trafficking response, and providing training, support and strategic guidance to SIM workers, local churches and partner ministries around the world.

For Freedom is focused on the prevention of human trafficking and the protection of those most at risk in the 70+ countries SIM works in.

For Freedom believes that at its core, human trafficking is about the exploitation of vulnerability. By addressing core causes of vulnerability, people and communities are kept safe from exploitation and the risk of trafficking.

Isolated, unconnected individuals are at greatest risk of being trafficked. The local community and the local church has a key role in preventing human trafficking by building relationships and caring for the vulnerable in their communities in a multitude of God-inspired ways.

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Luke 4:18-19, NIV

What we do

Come and Serve

Come and serve with us. Would you consider serving God by using your skills and love for Jesus to reach out to those at risk of trafficking and exploitation in one of the many countries where SIM works? Contact us to begin the conversation.


  1. Pray for the millions of people enslaved and exploited around the world today, that the Lord will reveal himself as mighty to them in the middle of their deep suffering.
  2. Pray for courage, wisdom and insight for those leading For Freedom, that God would multiply their efforts in supporting SIM teams and workers in their response to trafficking and exploitation.
  3. Pray for discernment for SIM teams in all the countries we work in as they build protective strategies into their ministries to keep at risk communities safe from exploitation.
  4. Pray for spiritual and physical protection over those involved in facing the injustices of trafficking and exploitation.
  5. Give thanks for the restoration ministries across SIM that bring hope and healing to survivors. Pray for continued energy and courage for workers as they journey alongside and love people who have experienced significant trauma and suffering.

Download For Freedom Prayer Guide