SIM Home Ministry Fund

Our SIM Home Ministry Team equips and sends skilled cross-cultural workers to many least reached people groups around the world. The team mobilises and supports workers who partner with established projects to make Christ known. Our workers use their skills to serve least reached communities around the world.

SIM is focused on engaging communities around the world that do not have any significant Christian witness. We continue to facilitate workers across the world because the God we serve and the mission He has given us remains unchanged.

It is our desire to see our people and their families thrive on the field…

– Susan Strong, Member Care

The Home Ministry Team journeys alongside our workers in cross-cultural mission across the world, providing continual encouragement and support. This enables workers to focus on utilising their skills and interests to serve in various ministries and share Christ’s love and compassion with least reached communities.

Susan Strong, who works alongside the Home Ministry Team as Member Care, shared; “It is our desire to see our people and their families thrive on the field and be able to do their work that God has set for them to do without any concerns about issues that might arise here at home”.