Mission Global Fund

This fund supports the Gospel ministry of SIM Australia, raising up and equipping new skills-based workers to have a global impact in least reached communities. Partner with us in future-focused mission as we respond with Jesus’ love and compassion to those who have yet to hear the Good News!

The Mission Global Fund enables SIM to be proactive in sending workers into cross-cultural mission, establishing multi-skilled teams across a diverse range of ministries. Consider how you can become a financial partner, so that together we can send out workers where Christ is least known.

When Brendan approached us about going to help workers adjust to life in the Sahel and learn the local languages, we sensed it was a real answer to our prayers.

– Steve & Rebecca, mission workers serving in Africa

God uses each member as they are for His mission

SIM’s Mission Global Fund is crucial as we continue to equip and partner workers to see how they can be involved in skills-based ministries, sent to meet Gospel needs around the world.

Brendan Short, mission mobiliser with SIM, encouraged workers Steve and Rebecca to serve using their skills for God’s global mission. Steve is trained in psychology and Rebecca’s skill is in language.

Through partnering SIM and Brendan’s engagement, Steve and Rebecca are able to use these skills to share Christ’s love and compassion and make disciples of Him in least reached communities around the world.