Pray for the communities that God has called us to engage!

Current Prayer Needs

As a SIM community, we invite you to pray for our mission workers and ministries around the world.

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Pray from Brett & Kathy Flippence…

Brett & Kathy Flippence [Anna] (NSW) AUSTRALIA
Give thanks for recent engagement with people at ReachOut, and ‘Western Plains Christian Conference’ last weekend. Pray for fruitful follow up with enquirers. Also please pray for Kathy and Brett as we head to Kenya, Uganda & Ethiopia on a church mission trip in October, which also includes two SIM ‘member care’ visits.

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Pray from David & Michelle Fauchon…

David & Michelle Fauchon [Jai] (NSW/ACT) AUSTRALIA
Praise God for engagement with motivated people at Food For Thought in Canberra in June and Mission Awareness Week at Moore College in July. Pray Northwest ReachOut in Moree in August and ReachOut in Sydney in September will raise up more workers for the Lord’s harvest field. Also pray for the Mobilisation team journeying with people.

Monday 16 September 2024

Pray from Malcolm & Jenny Watts…

Malcolm & Jenny Watts AUSTRALIA
Give thanks for committed people who serve on our board, praise for our recent in-person board meeting on 7 September. Pray for Mal as he travels to South Korea for the Fourth Lausanne Congress gathering on global missions (23-28 September). Pray for wisdom at the start of Mal’s second term as National Director. Pray for Jenny, Erinn and Alicia in their work and study.

Sunday 15 September 2024

Pray from Brian (& Jen) [Adelaide,…

Brian (& Jen) [Adelaide, Matilda] AUSTRALIA
Praise God for the way that support for projects contributes to and multiplies ministry impact in many diverse locations and ministry contexts. Give thanks for the many donors that contribute and pray.

Saturday 14 September 2024

Pray from Frances Early (SA)…

Frances Early (SA) AUSTRALIA
Thank God for continuing enquiries from across South Australia/Western Australia/Northern Territory. Please pray for wisdom to walk with people well and developing further church and mission relationships. Pray also for our South Australia/Western Australia/Northern Territory workers preparing to leave for the field in the next six months.

Friday 13 September 2024

Pray from Steve & Terry Early…

Steve & Terry Early AUSTRALIA
Please pray for guidance as we revise our training program for new mission workers. Please pray for discussions with a large missions-oriented church in Papua New Guinea about helping them to send mission workers.

Thursday 12 September 2024

Pray from David & Lynne Hammer (PNG)…

David & Lynne Hammer (PNG) AUSTRALIA
Pray for Paul & Nancy in Thailand. Due to Nancy’s continuing health, they have decided to return to their home in South Asia to be with Nancy’s family. Her brother will arrive in August to assist them to return in September. Pray for Nancy’s improved health for travel. Pray for Pat K in PNG as she continues to journey with and challenge Caleb and Becky to serve in mission work in the future.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Pray from Cathy (Southeast Asia)…

Cathy (Southeast Asia) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
Praise God the summer teachers training went well and for my daughter’ wonderful exam results. Pray for guidance and good health for us, unity amongst our team volunteers and visa approval for two ladies. Pray for more opportunities to mobilise churches, Bible colleges and serious mission applicants ready to serve unreached communities.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Pray from Lloyd & Sarah-Margaret…

Lloyd & Sarah-Margaret Holliday (USA) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
Please pray for our family as we continue to serve in the SIM Retirement Village. Pray for the start of a new school year for Sarah-Margaret and the children. Pray for our health. Pray also for encouragement and regrowth in our support team.


Monday 09 September 2024

Pray from Ray Morris (Retirees, USA)…

Praise the Lord for those that accept the Lord through the correspondence courses, especially students from Venezuela. Pray for Zoom classes each week with Spanish speakers as studying Hebrews. Lord willing, I am planning a quick visit to Australia in October and November.

Sunday 08 September 2024

Pray from Julie L (Asia) SPECIAL…

Pray for a productive time in South Asia from September visiting projects, clients, staff and evaluating projects. Decisions about new projects. Preparation of new health promotion materials. For His wisdom, grace, strength, encouragement and protection for local colleagues I work alongside and mentor.

Saturday 07 September 2024

Pray from Ruth Perkins (Australia /…

Ruth Perkins (Australia / West Africa) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
Ruth is thankful for a successful ear surgery, resulting in improved hearing. Pray for good visits with supporters and friends in southern Victoria for the first time in many years, and for preparations for a trip to West Africa in November/December to join the SIM Entity centenary celebrations and do some work with Sowing Seeds project.


Friday 06 September 2024

Pray from Daniel & Jeanie Ough…

Daniel & Jeanie Ough (Australia) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
We are thankful for our health and for the opportunities we have had to provide coaching to Christians in transition. Please pray that God will continue to give us clarity about the way he wants us to use the gifts He has given us as we continue to serve.

Friday 06 September 2024

Pray from Andrew & Tanya [& Family]…

Andrew & Tanya [& Family] (Australia / Africa) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
Pray for the team managing the Foundations for Farming project. Pray that financial support will be sufficient to enable them to teach twenty courses this year. Please pray that we can adjust to life back here in Australia.


Thursday 05 September 2024

Pray from Andrew (& Naomi) Jones…

Andrew (& Naomi) Jones [Noah, Hudson, Mali, Reuben] (Australia) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
Pray for wisdom for the Farm Fresh Harvest board (an agricultural Business As Mission (BAM) in Zimbabwe) as we execute our business plan. Pray for the BAM Global Team as we work to assist SIM fields to think about BAM ministries. Pray for Andrew’s role as a design team member in the Pacific Asia Leadership Program in October.

Thursday 05 September 2024

Pray from Phillip & Diane Marshall…

Phillip & Diane Marshall (Australia) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
We are preparing to speak at spiritual life conferences in South Asia in September & November. In October, we have the privilege of beginning with new mentees from across Asia in the Pacific-Asia Regional Leader Development. Pray for preparations and travel. Pray also for the Fourth Lausanne Congress in Seoul on global missions this month, with many SIM people involved.

Wednesday 04 September 2024

Pray from Pauline (Australia) SPECIAL…

Pauline (Australia) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
After her return at the end of July from a training trip to two West African countries, Pauline asks for wisdom as she starts working with new countries and institutions. Pray for an online seminar she is giving in September to a wide range of theologians, and for upcoming trainers’ workshops with the materials she has been developing.

Wednesday 04 September 2024

Pray from Mike & Jacky Hammond…

Mike & Jacky Hammond (Australia) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
Pray we will be a blessing as ‘Mission workers of the Week’ at Sydney Missionary Bible College 16-20 September. Pray the Fair-Trade Market (14 September) at our church goes smoothly and is well supported by the community. Pray for the SIM Australia board meeting 7 September. Pray for Caiphas settling into his new role as Southern Africa Regional Director.

Tuesday 03 September 2024

Pray from Peter B (Australia / West…

Peter B (Australia / West Africa) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
Peter Burke gives thanks for the opportunity to visit a West African country for about four months to assist in the provision of support services. Continue to pray for around a million plus locals in the northern part of the country to be allowed to come to know Christ. May those who respond be enabled to find good mentors.

Tuesday 03 September 2024

Pray from Omar (& Kay) Djoeandy…

Omar (& Kay) Djoeandy (Australia) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
Praise for God’s help in facilitating a workshop at the Missions Interlink conference and preaching in Melbourne (July) and Brisbane (August). Omar will accompany his mother to visit family in Indonesia 3 – 23 September. Pray for fruitful speaking opportunities on Redefining Success according to Jesus and Missions in Bible colleges and churches and effective interpreters.

Monday 02 September 2024

Pray from Stephanie (& Kym) Schwarz…

Stephanie (& Kym) Schwarz [Carina, Lucy, Eleanor] (Australia) INTERNATIONAL
Pray for ongoing growth of a culture of peace throughout SIM. Peacewise training has trained 160+ people and we continue to build a team to help deliver the training. Pray especially that SIM people will grow in their biblical understanding and practice to live out the Gospel of peace in the communities they are a part of.

Monday 02 September 2024

Pray from John & Karine Woldhuis…

John & Karine Woldhuis [Evangeline, Mattias, Annalise] (Australia) INTERNATIONAL
Give thanks for growing engagement in our For Freedom Network this year, pray we may continue to encourage and support our teams working with vulnerable communities where there are high risks of trafficking and exploitation. Pray for our team as we develop the training resources our workers and local churches can use as part of their discipleship toolkit.

Sunday 01 September 2024

Pray from Edwin (& Diane) Porter…

Edwin (& Diane) Porter (Australia) INTERNATIONAL
Continue to pray as we implement new financial software in SIM offices internationally. The aim is to have ten additional offices on the software. I continue to lead the global internal audit function. Please pray for good time management.

Sunday 01 September 2024

Pray from Morgan & Anna Powell…

Morgan & Anna Powell [Anika, Lila] (Australia) INTERNATIONAL
We are thankful for a great time in Peru in July. It was wonderful to catch up with friends and revisit beloved places. Please pray for me as I travel to Seoul for the Lausanne Congress 22-28 September. It is an exciting opportunity for global collaboration on world evangelisation.

Saturday 31 August 2024

Pray from Jason (& Leng) Hazell…

Jason (& Leng) Hazell [Isaac] (Australia) INTERNATIONAL
Pray for wisdom as I continue to advocate for the safety of children on the mission field.


Saturday 31 August 2024

Pray from Sandy (& Wendy)…

Sandy (& Wendy) (Australia) INTERNATIONAL
Continue to pray for transitions in the security team with new leadership in place and the need to consider makeup of the team into the latter part of 2024 and 2025. Please also pray that Sandy enjoys time away in Europe with his wife as they celebrate 40 years of marriage.

Friday 30 August 2024

Pray from Mike & Kerry with Megan…

Mike & Kerry with Megan Fischer PERU
Give thanks to God for the social group for people with disabilities and their families, that we have been able to start here at our place. Please pray that as we meet each Wednesday afternoon, that we would be able to build our friendships with everyone and share the hope that we have in Jesus Christ.

Friday 30 August 2024

Pray from Phillip (& Janne) Andrew…

Phillip (& Janne) Andrew (Australia – ROYALL) INTERNATIONAL
More and more African mission workers are being sent through SIM’s West Africa Missions Office, including one family who are currently serving in Liberia. Give thanks for this and pray about the challenges of raising financial support in the African context. Pray for creative new ways to encourage this support.


Thursday 29 August 2024

Pray from Abby Penglase ECUADOR…

Abby Penglase ECUADOR
Please pray for Abby as she reconnects with churches, family and friends during Home Assignment. Also pray for protection of the believers in Saraguro as they continue to lead ministries and share the good news of Jesus Christ.

Thursday 29 August 2024

Pray from Thomas & Joannah Crowe PERU…

Thomas & Joannah Crowe PERU
Please pray that God will guide us in what ministries we should pursue and what to move on from. Pray regarding a new project – constructing a facility for the local churches to use for camps, conferences, training and more. Pray God will provide the land, the right relationships, finance and everything else which is needed for the multi-functional facility.


Wednesday 28 August 2024

Pray from A & R [& Family] MIDDLE…

A & R [& Family] MIDDLE EAST
Pray for R as she takes on a regional leadership role in September. Thank God for the end of the season for the men and women teams Andrew has been coaching. Pray for preparations for the coming season that the decisions made would provide a good foundation for deepening relationships


Wednesday 28 August 2024

Pray from R & E [& Family] MIDDLE…

R & E [& Family] MIDDLE EAST
Pray for good adjustments to life in the Middle East, for humility, clarity, for good childcare for their youngest child, language learning and for God to be softening hearts already to be receptive to His Word.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Pray from Colin & Jill Bakon SPAIN…

Colin & Jill Bakon SPAIN
Praise God for the finished edition of Unfinished Story for youth Spanish translation and the event procedural trainings where we have dinners in Spain and Latin America. Pray this new material will be a blessing to the church and see the youth mobilised to be on mission with God.

Monday 26 August 2024

Pray from Ros Barnes HUNGARY Thank…

Ros Barnes HUNGARY
Thank God for an encouraging Home Assignment time in Australia. Please pray for Christian schools across Europe as most are starting a new school year. Thank God for the new teachers arriving to teach at International Christian School of Budapest (ICSB) and pray that I would be able to support them well.

Monday 26 August 2024

Pray from Jennie (Pascal) Girard…

Jennie (Pascal) Girard FRANCE
Pray for fruitful contacts with the different efforts to present the Gospel during this time. Jennie is not directly involved, but is preparing an Advanced Equipping for September in Lyon as well as continuing to adapt material for Healing the Wounds of Trauma for different groups in France. She also counsels individuals and couples going through difficult times. Pray she will always be led by the Spirit in all aspects of her ministries.

Sunday 25 August 2024

Pray from Matt & Alisa Tingle [&…

Matt & Alisa Tingle [& Family] THAILAND
Please pray for growing relationships with local churches. That we will see students coming to know & follow Jesus and connect well into Christian community. Please pray for the birthing team to prepare well for the transitioning of the team leader.

Sunday 25 August 2024

Pray from Mark & Nyomie Meenks [&…

Mark & Nyomie Meenks [& Family] THAILAND
Praise God that our children are accepted into Grace International School. Pray that we will have a great time of community and fellowship at our Spiritual Life Conference. Thank the Lord that ministry is going well with Hope for Life Thailand!

Saturday 24 August 2024

Pray from Jacqui Croxon THAILAND…

Jacqui Croxon THAILAND
Praise God for our schools’ ministry. It is bearing much fruit in the relationships we are developing in the local community. Pray particularly for wisdom as we have opportunity to speak into some challenging family situations – ask the Lord to bring healing and hope where there is brokenness and pain.

Friday 23 August 2024

Pray from Tanya SOUTHEAST ASIA Praise…

Praise God that I had a great holiday. Please pray that the school will be able to get a Head of School and a Middle School Science teacher.


Friday 23 August 2024

Pray from Jason & Maria SOUTHEAST…

Praise for Maria completing her college studies, receiving clearance from SIM Australia for proceeding to the Country of Service and Jason finishing up at work. Pray for our student visas to arrive in time and to be in-country! For us packing up the house and saying goodbyes. His faithfulness to us after almost ten years of waiting!


Thursday 22 August 2024

Pray from Ben and Manje [& Family]…

Ben and Manje [& Family] CONTINENTAL ASIA
We give thanks that our son has made a fully recovery from pneumonia. We are
enjoying a warm summer, seeking to redeem the time and use opportunities for His glory. Ben is preparing for next semester’s returns to university teaching. Please pray as we work with the kids through the transition to move to a different field in 2025.

Thursday 22 August 2024

Pray from Josh & Shell [& Family]…

Josh & Shell [& Family] SOUTHEAST ASIA
This week we have been hosting a week of prayer training and praying on the ground with local colleagues and partners. Please pray for everyone who participated – that we will grow in intimacy with the Lord and be obedient to all He leads us to bring to Him in prayer.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Pray from Joung & Tin ASIA Joung and…

Joung & Tin ASIA
Joung and Tin are thankful for their church family’s support and feel much more rested. Pray for their overall wellbeing to recover. Pray as they begin all the preparations required for returning to the field and submit the entire process to His hand.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Pray from Peter & Gennie ASIA Praise…

Peter & Gennie ASIA
Praise for a great ministry trip in the far west last month for Gennie. Pray for the next upcoming trip in the next two weeks (40+ degrees Celsius temperatures). For safety in travel and good relationship building with locals. Praise Peter is loving his ministry. Pray for wisdom for us both in our ministries.

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Pray from Lisa A ASIA Please pray for…

Please pray for a successful visa renewal process. Please pray for meaningful connections as we begin trial life skills training classes with youth.


Monday 19 August 2024

Pray from Natalie ASIA Please pray…

Natalie ASIA
Please pray for the upcoming trip to my other “home”. We are unsure whether my husband will be able to join for part of it, or it will be a solo visit but either way we would appreciate prayer for the opportunities over the next few months whether here or there, together or separately.


Monday 19 August 2024

Pray from S & L [& Family] ASIA Our…

S & L [& Family] ASIA
Our children are back at school after their summer break. Please pray for them to settle in well with their new class teachers. Pray for continual student growth at our centre, both to help keep the business viable and the opportunity to impact these students’ lives.


Sunday 18 August 2024

Pray from John & Fiona [& Family]…

John & Fiona [& Family] ASIA
Praise God for the boys’ recent summer holiday. Pray as our children start middle school at a new campus. Praise God for new families joining our team recently. Pray for them to settle well and that our team can provide the support they need. Pray for some of our established but discouraged workers that they may see opportunities.


Sunday 18 August 2024

Pray from Kumar & Dileeni ASIA Pray…

Kumar & Dileeni ASIA
Pray as Kumar trains evangelists in Kenya and in South Africa, for enthusiastic learners. Pray also for the launching of two evangelism tracks in the seminary in our capital city for a minimum of forty to enrol. Pray for Dileeni, as she prepares to teach and raises up counsellors here.

Saturday 17 August 2024

Pray from Rob & D AFRICA Pray that we…

Pray that we will still be faithful and diligent in the things God has us to do in this country. Pray for opportunity to better connect with folk and that we would be a light to those we come in contact with. Pray for people from our organisation to join us here.

Saturday 17 August 2024

Pray from Robin (Australia) WEST…

Robin (Australia) WEST AFRICA
Please pray for many thousands who have been displaced, fleeing villages and homes, seeking safety in bigger towns; cycles of retaliation could be broken with the Lord raising up many peace makers. Thanks for upholding prayers.

Friday 16 August 2024

Pray from Martin & Lid [& Family]…

Martin & Lid [& Family] WEST AFRICA
Praise God for cooling rains and new life. Praise also for committed volunteers in our brothel outreach team.

Friday 16 August 2024

Pray from Emily & M [& Family]…

Emily & M [& Family] AFRICA
Praise God we’ve now been back for 6 weeks and have been able to connect with our communities here over a busy summer period. Pray for our new team as we learn to serve each other and our community together. Emily finishes leave from her personnel role at the end of this month, pray for all three of us as we adjust to new rhythms.


Thursday 15 August 2024

Pray from Benjamin & Antonia [&…

Benjamin & Antonia [& Family] (France) WEST AFRICA
By faith we hope that we made it to our Country of Service! Pray that we settle into our home and for our kids into school. Pray we will find a preschool for our youngest, and a house helper. Pray for Benjamin as he looks for people to learn alongside, consolidating his French language and his understanding of local culture.

Thursday 15 August 2024

Pray from Elizabeth (France) WEST…

Elizabeth (France) WEST AFRICA
Praise God for a safe arrival in France. Please pray I will be able to learn French well and understand what people are saying. Pray that as I apply for a visa extension it will go smoothly.

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Pray from Matt WEST AFRICA Praise God…

Praise God for the different national youth camps and the opportunity for young Christians to meet together. Pray that they would grow in their faith, making the Gospel the centre of their lives. Pray that they would be used by God, as the leaders of tomorrow, for the growth of His kingdom.


Wednesday 14 August 2024

Pray from Naomi WEST AFRICA Continue…

Continue to pray for the Director of the Academy and the school leadership team as they manage a positive transition – for wisdom and guidance. We have a desperate, ongoing need for teachers to be able to run and continue our ministry and support families of mission workers.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Pray from Corey & Amber [& Family]…

Corey & Amber [& Family] WEST AFRICA
Please continue to pray for our health, pray for Corey and his gut issues and that we would all be protected from Malaria. Praise God that the new Clinic and the wall projects are coming along. Pray for safety for the team and for Gospel conversations to happen. Continue to pray for our kids.


Tuesday 13 August 2024

Pray from Phil & Carol (VIC) WEST…

Phil & Carol (VIC) WEST AFRICA
Local believers are facing persecution and receive threats and warnings. Please pray for God’s protection and intervention, for courage to be His witnesses; for other Christian leaders travelling long distances to mentor former students; for a successful farming season. We praise God for his faithfulness over fifty years of reaching out to the local nomadic tribes.

Monday 12 August 2024

Pray from Anne-Sophie WEST AFRICA At…

At the Hospital, new staff are being trained in preparation for malaria season. Please pray for God’s grace and strength throughout this busy season. Pray for the church (where I teach regularly) for spiritual vitality and growth.

Monday 12 August 2024

Pray from David & Taryn [& Family]…

David & Taryn [& Family] WEST AFRICA
Please pray for physical and spiritual renewal as we reconnect with family, friends & supporters and have some holidays as a family. Pray for safety as we travel and that in sharing with believers we would be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith (Romans 1:12) and that the Lord would raise up workers for His harvest field.

Sunday 11 August 2024

Pray from Andy & Cathy [& Family]…

Andy & Cathy [& Family] WEST AFRICA
Pray for encouragement and spiritual protection for the team at the hospital.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Pray from Janet WEST AFRICA Pray for…

Pray for a good beginning to the school year. Pray that my fellow teacher will be able to obtain a visa in the short time she has in the United States. Give thanks for a good break.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Pray from Rowan & Bethany WEST AFRICA…

Rowan & Bethany WEST AFRICA
We have less than two months left of this term before heading to Australia for Home Assignment. Pray for a fruitful time amidst preparations to leave.

Friday 09 August 2024

Pray from Ian & Theano Ratcliff…

Ian & Theano Ratcliff [Trinity, Oliver] KENYA
Give thanks that we are well. Pray for the government as the country faces political instability. Pray for continued progress for our local Swahili learning, so we are prepared to start our ministries here. Pray for the issuing of our work permits.

Friday 09 August 2024

Pray from Peter & Joanne Ong…

Peter & Joanne Ong [Teaghan, Lucas, Micaiah] MALAWI
Give thanks for our Spiritual Life Conference two weeks ago. Pray that our SIM Malawi workers will go the distance with Jesus in life and ministry. Pray for the Africa Evangelical Church National Youth camp this week and for the Flood Vacation Bible School program (28-30 August).

Thursday 08 August 2024

Pray from Suzanne WEST AFRICA Pray…

Pray that I will manage different relationships well with believers and non-believers, especially in the face of much cultural/language diversity in my community.

Wednesday 07 August 2024

Pray from Bethany WEST AFRICA I am…

I am going to the Fourth Lausanne Congress on global missions in Korea in late September! Thank God for this opportunity. Pray for a good time of learning, worship and connection. Please pray for God’s protection in travel and over the conference too. Pray too for continued good relationships in my neighbourhood and even more opportunities to share about Jesus.

Wednesday 07 August 2024

Pray from Robyn Green ETHIOPIA Praise…

Robyn Green ETHIOPIA
Praise God for opportunities to reconnect with ministry partners over the break between school years. Pray for Bingham as we begin the school year with a few key positions vacant. Please continue to pray for health and energy for Robyn, and for new students and staff to settle in well.

Tuesday 06 August 2024

Pray from Pete & Kathryn [& Family]…

Pete & Kathryn [& Family] WEST AFRICA
Praise God for the prayer & finances to be able to return to West Africa in August. Pray as the family settles back into life overseas. Pray that their house will get set up quickly and smoothly. Pray for good friends for all, adjusting back to school, restarting ministries.

Tuesday 06 August 2024

Pray from Stephen & R AFRICA We are…

Stephen & R AFRICA
We are encouraged after attending a conference of global workers from all around the world. Please pray for us to be diligent in language learning and relationship building, with increasing effectiveness in communicating the love of Christ in the community where we live. Pray particularly for Steve’s English conversation class in the refugee camp.

Monday 05 August 2024

Pray from K.B. AFRICA Pray that I…

Pray that I will be able to finish my time well here before leaving for Home Assignment later this month. Pray for energy in the goodbyes and readjustments, and quality time with all the people I would like to visit before I go. Pray for a smooth transition and restorative Home Assignment.

Monday 05 August 2024

Pray from Andrew & Sandra AFRICA We…

Andrew & Sandra AFRICA
We are praising God for the continued graphics help needed for the Highest Honour for Kids edition. Pray for ongoing needs and complications related to some ministry tasks, and pray for those being trained up for future ministry.

Sunday 04 August 2024

Pray from Neil & Sil WEST AFRICA…

Give thanks for the imminent arrival of 5,000 copies of the Bible in a local language. The Bible dedication is planned for October, pray that God’s word will continue to impact lives in our country. Pray for energy and patience as we cover for absent colleagues this month.

Sunday 04 August 2024

Pray from Lorenzo & Liliana* AFRICA…

Lorenzo & Liliana* AFRICA
Thank God for small improvement and encouraging feedback from Lorenzo’s internal medicine residents. Pray they would persevere in their residency. Liliana has been invited to teach Biology at a local private school. Pray for God’s confirmation of this opportunity. She has to navigate a new school and a British curriculum.


Saturday 03 August 2024

Pray from Vinh & Thy [& Family]…

Vinh & Thy [& Family] (VIC) ACROSS
Pray for that our children will build friendships at school. They have been caring for some friends at school by inviting them to church. Our youngest is trying very hard to make good friends at school. Pray for Vinh to continue to focus on his PhD studies online and for time management. Pray for Thy, to disciple the women at church. She has been having one-on-one bible studies with a couple of women at church.

Saturday 03 August 2024

Pray from Petros* (Australia) ACROSS…

Petros* (Australia) ACROSS
Glory be to God for the growth of His church in my country of origin even in persecution and hardship. Pray for God’s protection over our church and provision of its needs. Pray for the preparation of conferences in God’s will, for equipping servants and developing brave, faithful and wise disciples. Pray for more financial supporters to support us and this ongoing ministry.

Friday 02 August 2024

Pray from Angela (& U-Don) Ngiam…

Angela (& U-Don) Ngiam [Noah, Chloe] (NSW) ACROSS
Praise God for a great term 2 at Freedom to Flourish. Pray for Angela as she returns to study her Masters of Christian Counselling today. Pray for the team as they start a new therapeutic garden program at Auburn community garden in a few weeks. Pray also as they launch the men’s ministry with soccer during the week and a well-being program on Saturdays.

Thursday 01 August 2024

Pray from Alan (& Jaclyn) Millhouse…

Alan (& Jaclyn) Millhouse [Toby, Keira] (Australia) ACROSS
Give thanks for the opportunity for the Across team and the interns from Chester Hill to come together in Sydney. Pray that we will grow together, rest in Jesus and be encouraged in the Lord. Pray for God’s protection on the families when we are away.


Tuesday 30 July 2024

Pray from Pray for the Media &…

Pray for the Media & Communications Team and Partner Relations (PR) Team: Jason (Media & Technology Director), Maggie (Creative Designer), Danielle (Writer), Rukshani (Partner Relations Coordinator), Kristie (PR Assistant), Andy (PR Assistant), Michael (Partner Development/Fundraising).


Monday 29 July 2024

Pray from Pray for the Finance team:…

Pray for the Finance team: Graham (Finance and Corporate Services Director), Andrew (Systems Accountant), Joanne (Finance Officer), May (Accounts Officer).


Sunday 28 July 2024

Pray from Pray for Tiffany (PA to…

Pray for Tiffany (PA to National Director).
Pray for the Ministry Support team: Carmen (Personnel Services Manager), Rania (Admin Assistant), Allison (Admin Assistant – VIC).

Saturday 27 July 2024

Pray from Warwick & Natalie Short…

Warwick & Natalie Short [Hudson, Sahara, Japheth, Annie-Mae] (VIC) AUSTRALIA
Today marks three years since leaving Niger. Give thanks for God’s blessing on their life in Gippsland, and for the many opportunities to be involved in God’s kingdom. Pray for Niger that God will protect this country from the harm the Devil intends; that instead, God will bring many into His kingdom.

Friday 26 July 2024

Pray from Brendan (& Virginia) Short…

Brendan (& Virginia) Short [Esther, Xavier, Samuel, Thomas] (VIC) AUSTRALIA
Brendan & Virginia appreciate prayer for Brendan’s preparations to speak at a major recruitment conference in East Africa whose conference theme will be Psalm 72:9. Pray that this conference will stimulate many new workers for the desert peoples of the Sahara.


Thursday 25 July 2024

Pray from Walter Genuit & Andrea Flipse

We are looking forward to starting mission work in Thailand in 2025 where Andrea hopes to teach at Grace International School. Please pray for a good trip in August when we try to familiarise ourselves with the SIM work in Thailand and prepare for our move a few months later.


Thursday 25 July 2024

Pray from Deanna (& Stan) Richey…

Deanna (& Stan) Richey AUSTRALIA
Praise the Lord for the growth we continue to see in our hugely diverse church community. Give thanks for God’s sustenance as we adjust to our move to two services to accommodate for the explosive growth. Pray we are able to engage and equip new volunteers to meet the increased needs this presents.


Wednesday 24 July 2024

Pray from Bea Wickham (WA) AUSTRALIA….

Bea Wickham (WA) AUSTRALIA.
Pray for Bea as she continues to meet with local pastors in and around Perth, that good partnerships will be developed as well as great connections with individuals and families who have been considering joining the mission field. Pray for her current ongoing mentoring relationships – that God’s will prevails in the lives of those she is speaking with.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Pray from Jay & Robyn [Sarah, Joshua,…

Jay & Robyn [Sarah, Joshua, Aleah] (QLD) AUSTRALIA.
Pray that the Lord will use the conversations that have been started at conferences over the past few weeks to lead those involved to make steps of obedience in His mission. For Across, pray that He would raise up more English helpers, and provide for and help us to start a new refugee therapy garden.

Monday 22 July 2024

Pray from Doreen Thomas AUSTRALIA…

Doreen Thomas AUSTRALIA
Giving thanks to God for His enabling through the heart-wrench of my daughter and family moving to NZ for the next few years, and for my move into my new home. Pray for my time this week in Auckland, specifically having quality time with Aria, as she adjusts to the complete change to all she has known these last five years.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Pray from Susan Strong AUSTRALIA I am…

Susan Strong AUSTRALIA
I am thankful for all I have learned in my two trips overseas and the connections made. Pray particularly for the debriefing training that Doreen and I did, that we would be wise in how we use this in helping people prepare for the mission field.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Pray from Stanley and Marlies…

Stanley and Marlies AUSTRALIA
Please pray for Stanley as he encourages prayer within the SIM community. We are thankful for the prayer groups who faithfully pray for mission workers and ministries worldwide. Please pray for the groups that have just started. Please also pray for Marlies as she helps make events more accessible for persons with disabilities.

Saturday 20 July 2024

Pray from Wayne & Helen Mayhew…

Wayne & Helen Mayhew [Caleb, Evie, Benjamin, Asher] (NSW) AUSTRALIA
Give thanks for some time off to start July. Pray for Moore College Mission Awareness Week starting Monday, SMBC Missions Conference next week and for other events in the coming months, that God would continue to raise up workers for the harvest.


Wednesday 17 July 2024

Pray from Deanna Richey AUSTRALIA

Deanna Richey AUSTRALIA

Praise God for all He continues to do in the community of Wyndham through The Bridge programs, and also expanding our outreach via a new campus.  Pray for wisdom as we continue to move forward managing our growing multicultural congregation full of new immigrants and refugees from over fifty nations—mission field coming to us!


Wednesday 17 July 2024

Pray from Jay & Robyn [Sarah, Joshua, Aleah] (QLD)

Please pray for the Knight family as they spend time camping with church members over the September school holidays and as they encourage the church to engage in cross-cultural ministry at the church’s district conference. Please pray for Sarah as she prepares for grade 12 external exams and as she makes plans for a short-term mission trip and for decisions about university.


Wednesday 17 July 2024

Pray from Prayer for Global Mission

We pray for the global mission workers.


Sunday 07 July 2024

Pray from Andrew & Tanya

Andrew & Tanya (Australia/Africa) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
Pray for the team in Africa involved in the Foundations for Farming project. Pray that financial support be sufficient to enable them to teach twenty courses this year. Please pray that we can adjust to life back here in Australia.


Sunday 07 July 2024

Pray from Daniel & Jeanie Ough

Daniel & Jeanie Ough (Australia) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
We are thankful that we have been healthy and that our assignment in Spain has gone well. Please pray that God will show us the way ahead with this ministry team as we wind up our work and return to Australia in July.


Saturday 06 July 2024

Pray from Phillip & Diane Marshall

Phillip & Diane Marshall (Australia) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
Give thanks for very fruitful mentoring experiences for Diane at the recent in-person Global Leader Development event, as well as ongoing online mentoring sessions for both of us. Pray for SIM’s global and regional initiatives that seek to enable each leader and new workers to journey with a mentor into fullness of ministry and life.

Friday 05 July 2024

Pray from Pauline (Australia).

Pauline (Australia) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
Pauline continues to work on creating resources to train bible school teachers in educational issues in French, both for herself and for others locally who will be expanding the reach of the work within the region. Pray for financing of the project and workshops in the coming year.


Friday 05 July 2024

Pray from Mike & Jacky Hammond

Mike & Jacky Hammond (Australia) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
Praise God for SIMConnect in June featuring For Freedom – pray more people will join the For Freedom network. Pray for Mike’s role in preparing the annual budgets for Southern Africa entities. Praise God for the opportunity to work remotely (from UK) in July to spend time with Jacky’s family and our SIM Liberia mentees.


Thursday 04 July 2024

Pray from Peter B (Australia / West Africa)…

Peter B (Australia / West Africa) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
Peter gives thanks for the opportunity to visit a West African country for about four months to assist in the provision of support services. Continue to pray for around a million plus locals in the northern part of the country to be allowed to come to know Christ. May those who respond be enabled to find good mentors.


Thursday 04 July 2024

Pray from Omar (& Kay) Djoeandy

Omar (& Kay) Djoeandy (Australia) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
Praise for a fruitful visit to Perth in June. Pray for good outcomes from meetings and preaching in Melbourne (July) and Brisbane (August) and more people and funds for the least-reached communities. Omar needs wisdom regarding co-authoring a contextualised version of Redefining Success according to Jesus in Tamil and Nepalese and for young adults.


Wednesday 03 July 2024

Pray from John & Karine Woldhuis

John & Karine Woldhuis [Evangeline, Mattias, Annalise] (Australia) INTERNATIONAL
Give thanks for the workers that participate in the For Freedom network, pray for spiritual protection over their ministry teams and for multiplying opportunities to clearly share the hope of Jesus with those they serve. Pray for ongoing wisdom in responding to questions from our workers on how they can best support and strengthen families and communities at risk of trafficking in their specific context and ministry focus.


Monday 01 July 2024

Pray from Sandy

Sandy (Australia) INTERNATIONAL
Continue to pray for transitions in the security team with new leadership in place and the need to consider makeup of the team into the latter part of 2024 and 2025. Please also pray that Sandy enjoys time away in Europe with his wife as they celebrate 40 years of marriage.


Sunday 30 June 2024

Pray from Phillip (& Janne) Andrew…

Phillip (& Janne) Andrew (Australia – ROYALL) INTERNATIONAL
Pray for the 14 members of SIM’s Health Ministries Team, of which I am one, as we seek to shape, strengthen and support SIM’s 150 health mission workers as they serve in various parts of the world. Pray that God will provide wisdom for us to know how best to encourage and empower them.


Saturday 29 June 2024

Pray from Abby Penglase ECUADOR …

Abby Penglase ECUADOR
Please pray for Abby as she prepares for Home Assignment, especially as she hands over leadership roles and strengthens the local church to continue ministry in her absence.


Saturday 29 June 2024

Pray from Thomas & Joannah Crowe…

Thomas & Joannah Crowe PERU
Please pray that God will guide us in what ministries we should pursue and what to move on from. Especially pray regarding a new project; constructing a facility for the local churches to use for camps, conferences, training and more. Pray God provides, land, the right relationships, finance and everything else which is needed for the multi-functional facility.


Friday 28 June 2024

Pray from A & R

A & R [& Family] MIDDLE EAST
Pray for R as she takes on a regional leadership role in September. Thank God for the end of the season for the men and women teams A has been coaching. Pray for preparations for the coming season that the decisions made would provide a good foundation for deepening relationships.



Thursday 27 June 2024

Pray from Colin & Jill Bakon SPAIN …

Colin & Jill Bakon SPAIN
As the summer comes here in Spain, things start to slow down apart from summer camps. Our church is involved in three of them in July. Pray for the young people that come and that they might connect with God and come to know Him or be challenged in their walk with Jesus.


Wednesday 26 June 2024

Pray from Ros Barnes HUNGARY …

Ros Barnes HUNGARY
Pray for me as I find time to rest, connect with family, friends and supporters during Home Assignment.


Tuesday 25 June 2024

Pray from Mark & Nyomie Meenks…

Mark & Nyomie Meenks [Esther, Jesse, Ashleigh and Caleb] THAILAND
Please thank the Lord for an improvement in family health and wellbeing. Also join us in praying for an increase in our monthly support so that we can stay in Thailand serving the Thai people.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Pray from Matt & Alisa Tingle [Maya,…

Matt & Alisa Tingle [Maya, Lucy, Jemima] THAILAND
Praise God for the short-term teams that will come over the summer to help at the Centre. Pray for them to have a great impact on the students’ lives and for the English camp to be a great experience for all.


Monday 24 June 2024

Pray from Ruth Davies THAILAND

Ruth Davies THAILAND
Next week I will start a Leave of Absence from SIM to study my Master of Divinity at Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC). Thank you for your prayers during my six years in Thailand. Please pray for a good transition to full-time theological study.

Sunday 23 June 2024

Pray from Tanya SOUTHEAST ASIA …

Please pray for staff. We are desperate for a Middle School teacher (grades 6-8) for Science, Social Studies and Math. We also need a new head of school. Pray that I will have a good holiday back in Australia during June and July.


Sunday 23 June 2024

Pray from Jacqui Croxon THAILAND

Jacqui Croxon (HA) THAILAND
I returned to Thailand at the end of last week, following a six-month Home Assignment. I am excited for this new term! Please pray for a smooth transition back into life and ministry here in Chiang Mai and as I reconnect with community.


Saturday 22 June 2024

Pray from Ben and Manje

Ben and Manje [& Familyh] (Asia) CONTINENTAL ASIA
As summer rolls around we are grateful for the close of the academic year. We are again in a period of transition. We will be both returning to teaching here at the university after the summer break. Pray for opportunities to continue to build relationships and memories with the kids and those we serve.


Saturday 22 June 2024

Pray from Josh & Shell

Josh & Shell [& Family] SOUTHEAST ASIA
Praise God for opportunities to host practical discipleship and trafficking prevention training with local colleagues and partners during the past few weeks. Please pray God works in the lives of those who attended and for steps of obedience as they put into practice and share with others.

Friday 21 June 2024

Pray from Joung & Tin ASIA

Joung & Tin (HA) ASIA
Joung and Tin are thankful for their church family’s support and feel much more rested. Pray for their overall well-being to recover. Pray as they begin all the preparations required for returning to the field and submit the entire process to His hand


Friday 21 June 2024

Pray from Peter & Gennie ASIA

Peter & Gennie ASIA

Praise for a great ministry trip in the far west last month for Gennie. Pray for the next upcoming trip in the next two weeks (40+ degrees Celsius temperatures). For safety in travel and good relationship building with locals. Praise Peter is loving his ministry. Pray for wisdom for us both in our ministries

Thursday 20 June 2024

Pray from S & L

S & L [& Family] ASIA

Our children are back at school after their summer break. Please pray for them to settle in well with their new class teachers. Pray for continual student growth at our centre, both to help keep the business viable and the opportunity to impact these students’ lives.


Thursday 20 June 2024

Pray from Lisa A ASIA

Pray for God’s direction and provision as we start the youth centre ministry movement. Pray for leadership support for the team here.


Wednesday 19 June 2024

Pray from Sarah (& Tim) ASIA

Sarah (& Tim) [& Family] ASIA


Tuesday 18 June 2024

Pray from John & Fiona [& Family] ASIA

John & Fiona [& Family] ASIA
Praise God for the boys’ recent summer holiday. Pray as our children start middle school at a new campus. Praise God for new families joining our team recently. Pray for them to settle well and that our team can provide the support they need. Pray for some of our established but discouraged workers that they may see opportunities.


Tuesday 18 June 2024

Pray from Kumar & Dileeni ASIA

Kumar & Dileeni ASIA
Pray for clarity in teaching, discussion and good learning of the students and that they would be well-equipped to go out to proclaim the Gospel boldly.

Monday 17 June 2024

Pray from Rob & D AFRICA …


Monday 17 June 2024

Pray from Robin (Australia) WEST AFRICA

Robin (Australia) WEST AFRICA
Please pray for many thousands who have been displaced, fleeing villages and homes, seeking safety in bigger towns; cycles of retaliation could be broken with the Lord raising up many peace makers. Thanks for upholding prayers.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Pray from Martin & Lid [& Family] WEST AFRICA

Martin & Lid [& Family] WEST AFRICA
Praise God for cooling rains and new life. Praise also for committed volunteers in our brothel outreach team.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Pray from Emily & M

Emily & M [& Family] AFRICA

Praise God we’ve now been back for 6 weeks and have been able to connect with our communities here over a busy summer period. Pray for our new team as we learn to serve each other and our community together. Emily finishes leave from her personnel role at the end of this month, pray for all three of us as we adjust to new rhythms.


Saturday 15 June 2024

Pray from Ben & Antonia

Ben & Antonia [& Family] WEST AFRICA
Praise God that the twins are now Australian citizens! Pray that we get their passports soon. Pray we can travel to England for visas and get to West Africa in time for school starting early April. Pray for us to finish our language studies well, and that we all process the emotions for our next transition well.


Saturday 15 June 2024

Pray from Elizabeth

Elizabeth (France) WEST AFRICA
Praise God for the provision of a visa. Please pray I will settle in quickly in France and be able to learn the language well.

Friday 14 June 2024

Pray from Matt WEST AFRICA

Pray for continued deeper discussions with young Christians in my church and elsewhere, that I’d be intentional in helping point them to Christ and helping them develop in applying Gospel truth to all of life. Pray for the non-Christians in my life, that God would draw their hearts to Christ as we speak and interact.


Friday 14 June 2024

Pray from Naomi WEST AFRICA

Continue to pray for the Director and leadership team of the School as they manage a positive transition- for wisdom and guidance. We have a desperate, ongoing need for teachers to be able to run and continue our ministry and support families of mission workers.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Pray from Phil & Carol (VIC) WEST AFRICA

Thank God for increasing interest and opportunities to share with groups/churches, and SIM Seniors these past months. The Bible school students in the area have returned home or gone to ministry locations. Pray for their testimony and exercising of spiritual gifts in their communities and for an encouraging teachers’ visitation program to isolated and remote graduates.


Thursday 13 June 2024

Pray from Corey & Amber

Corey & Amber [& Family] WEST AFRICA
Please pray for the building projects that Corey has planned for the next year, pray for finances to come in so that we can build a new clinic. Pray for Amber as she juggles homeschooling and her new responsibilities as Regional Director, pray that she will have the wisdom and discernment needed for this new role.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Pray from David & Taryn [& Family] WEST AFRICA

David & Taryn [& Family] WEST AFRICA
Over the next three weeks we will be packing up, handing over responsibilities, saying goodbyes and traveling home for Home Assignment. Pray for The Lord’s encouragement, grace and providence during this time, for us and for those who are carrying on the work in our absence.


Wednesday 12 June 2024

Pray from Anne-Sophie

Pray for God’s sustenance as we work through the heat during the hot season. Pray for those who receive treatment at the hospital to reflect on their experience and be able to experience the reality of God through the care they received and hear the Good News.


Tuesday 11 June 2024

Pray from Andy & Cathy

Andy & Cathy [& Family] WEST AFRICA
Give thanks for a refreshing holiday out of the country and for family visiting us. They were precious moments. Pray for encouragement and spiritual protection for the team at the SIM hospital where we serve.


Monday 10 June 2024

Pray from Rowan & Bethany

Rowan & Bethany WEST AFRICA
Give thanks for a refreshing time at the West African office retreat two weeks ago that we helped organise. Pray as Rowan finishes up his second year of teaching at the bible college. Pray for many opportunities to share the Good News as we interact with the local community.


Monday 10 June 2024

Pray from Janet WEST AFRICA

Thankful for a good school year and God’s provision in every way. Pray for a good time with family and friends over the school break and times for relaxation and renewal.


Sunday 09 June 2024

Pray from Ian & Theano Ratcliff

Ian & Theano Ratcliff [Trinity, Oliver] KENYA
Give thanks that our family is settling well into Kenya. Pray for continued progress for our Swahili learning, so we are prepared to start our ministries here. Pray for the issuing of our work permits. Pray for those affected by the floods in Kenya and that we will have ongoing opportunities to bless those communities.


Saturday 08 June 2024

Pray from Suzanne WEST AFRICA

Praise God that I can encourage a small group of believers at a large Public High School and pray for continued courage for them as some will soon graduate. Pray that I will manage well with different relationships with believers and non-believers, especially in the face of much cultural/language diversity in my community.


Friday 07 June 2024

Pray from Robyn Green ETHIOPIA …

Robyn Green ETHIOPIA
Robyn will leave for a short Home Assignment in Australia on 11 June. Praise God for final opportunities to share Jesus’ love with students and staff leaving Bingham, and for coming reconnections with ministry partners. Please pray for health and energy for Robyn, and for new staff preparing to come to Bingham.


Friday 07 June 2024

Pray from Bethany WEST AFRICA


I am going to the Fourth Lausanne Congress on global missions in Korea in late September! Thank God for this opportunity. Pray for a good time of learning, worship and connection. Please pray for God’s protection in travel and over the conference too. Pray too for continued good relationships in my neighbourhood and even more opportunities to share about Jesus


Thursday 06 June 2024

Pray from Stephen & R

Stephen & R AFRICA

We are encouraged after attending a conference of global workers from all around the world. Please pray for us to be diligent in language learning and relationship building, with increasing effectiveness in communicating the love of Christ in the community where we live. Pray particularly for Steve’s English conversation class in the refugee camp.


Thursday 06 June 2024

Pray from Pete & Kathryn

Pete & Kathryn [& Family] WEST AFRICA
Praise God for the dramatic way in which He showed His will for the family, by bringing them all into agreement on returning for another term. God is powerful! Pray for increased financial support by the end of June to be able to return. Pray they might finish Home Assignment well.


Wednesday 05 June 2024

Pray from Andrew & Sandra

Andrew & Sandra AFRICA
We are praising God for the continued graphics help needed for the Highest Honour for Kids edition. Pray for ongoing needs and complications related to some ministry tasks, and pray for those being trained up for future ministry.


Wednesday 05 June 2024

Pray from K.B. AFRICA

Pray that I will be able to finish my time well here before leaving for Home Assignment later this month. Pray for energy in the goodbyes and readjustments, and quality time with all the people I would like to visit before I go. Pray for a smooth transition and restorative Home Assignment.


Tuesday 04 June 2024

Pray from Neil & Sil WEST AFRICA

Give thanks for the imminent arrival of 5,000 copies of the Bible in a local language. The Bible dedication is planned for October, pray that God’s word will continue to impact lives in our country. Pray for energy and patience as we cover for absent colleagues this month.


Monday 03 June 2024

Pray from Petros* (Australia) ACROSS …

Petros* (VIC) ACROSS


Monday 03 June 2024

Pray from Vinh & Thy

Vinh & Thy [& Family] (VIC) ACROSS
Praise God for the opportunity to visit my home country. Pray for the ongoing discipleship of pastors in that country. Pray for God to work in the hearts of international students in Melbourne.


Sunday 02 June 2024

Pray from Rees (NSW) ACROSS.

Pray as Rees serves with Freedom to Flourish to mentor a group of men who meets at the garden one day a week. Pray as he attends training in preparation for the work and for his support raising.


Sunday 02 June 2024

Pray from Nas (Australia) ACROSS

Nas (Australia) ACROSS


Saturday 01 June 2024

Pray from Edwin D (SA) ACROSS

Pray for our continued dependence upon God’s provisions and sustenance of spiritual and physical strength, to grow more in our intimacy with God and grow disciples in Christlikeness. Pray we remain focused on God’s assignment for the Hub community by bringing one person at a time to Christ Jesus.


Saturday 01 June 2024

Pray from James Z (SA) ACROSS …

Continue to pray for the discipleship of the second generation amongst the Burmese community. Pray for the bible study and God’s leading in ministry.


Friday 31 May 2024

Pray from Jason & Maria SOUTHEAST ASIA

Jason & Maria (SOUTHEAST ASIA)
We are planning to leave for Southeast Asia in July. Give thanks to the Father; He has been kind in many of His provisions so far. Please pray for Maria who is finishing her diploma and packing up the house. Pray for Jason who is catching up on paperwork and financial arrangements.


Friday 31 May 2024

Pray from Kira Bambrick (CZECHIA)…

Please pray as I prepare to serve amongst those caught in human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation in central Europe. I am still needing to raise sufficient financial support to be able to go.


Tuesday 21 May 2024

Pray from Stanley and Marlies

Stanley and Marlies AUSTRALIA
Pray as Stanley continues to build relationships and prayer networks. Give thanks for God’s provision that our eldest, Alex, has found part-time work.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Pray from Susan Strong AUSTRALIA …

Susan Strong AUSTRALIA
Please pray for continued guidance and wisdom as we work through applications and walk through the mission journey with our people. Pray that we will, through God’s Spirit understand how prepare them best and support them in their needs. I cannot do this work without your prayers.


Sunday 05 May 2024

Pray from Andrew Jones

Andrew Jones [& Family] (Australia) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
We had a successful Global Business as Mission Team strategy meeting in January. Pray the team will be able to implement this year. Pray for a new Business as Mission agriculture business start-up in Zimbabwe in 2024. We’re underway! Pray for our Pacific Asia Regional Leadership Design Team as we prepare for a program in October 2024.


Thursday 02 May 2024

Pray from Stephanie (& Kym)…

Stephanie (& Kym) Schwarz [Carina, Lucy, Eleanor] (Australia) INTERNATIONAL
Praise God that, (God willing) during the past two months, an in-person and an online Peacewise training will have been run. Pray for the continued development of the facilitator team to support ongoing Peacewise training, and the building of a culture of peace throughout SIM ministry.


Sunday 28 April 2024

Pray from R & E

R & E [& Family] MIDDLE EAST

Pray for good adjustments to life in the Middle East, for humility, clarity, for good childcare for their youngest child, language learning, and for God to be softening hearts to be receptive to His Word.


Wednesday 24 April 2024

Pray from Ruth Davies THAILAND

Ruth Davies THAILAND
It’s my final week in Ayutthaya before I return to Australia for theological college. Pray for good times with friends over the next few days. Give thanks to God for six years of ministry in Thailand and continue to pray for the Faithful Witness team in Ayutthaya.


Thursday 14 March 2024

Pray from David Hammer (PNG)

David Hammer (PNG) AUSTRALIA
Praise God they were able to have a good holiday break. Pray for Patricia K. and ongoing contact with two university graduates serving cross-culturally. Pray for ongoing involvement of SIM with the church in PNG and for the establishment of an advisory body. Pray for Nancy and her continuing improvement, especially that her balance and strength would be restored. Pray also for Paul, Nancy and Nimbine for God’s guiding hand in future planning.


Sunday 10 March 2024

Pray from Julie L (Asia)

Pray for migrant outreaches over the holiday period next month and for the ongoing disaster response ministry in South Asia.


Saturday 09 March 2024

Pray from Ruth Perkins (Australia)…

Ruth Perkins (Australia) SPECIAL MINISTRIES
Praise God for good health and the opportunity to support Sowing Seeds from Australia. Pray for opportunities to share about Sowing Seeds and that God will continue to use the project staff amidst challenging circumstances in Niger following the coup last July.


Saturday 24 February 2024

Pray from Ruth Davies THAILAND

Ruth Davies THAILAND
Pray for the SIM Ayutthaya team as we start Joyful Heart Bilingual House, a new ministry reaching middle-class families through second language education. I will be the main English teacher for the first few months, teaching 4-9 year olds. Pray for a joyful heart as I adjust to teaching such a young age group. 

Chad & Erika Loftis [Leif, Piper, Asher, Wren] (HA) THAILAND
Pray for all 6 of us as we try to resettle in Australia. Pray for the kids to feel at home and make friendship connections. Pray for Chad and Erika as we explore different work and ministry possibilities going forward. Please pray for our financial situation that God will provide for what we need in housing, schooling and everyday necessities.

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