Find out more about the part you can play in global mission with SIM!
Stay connected with SIM’s global mission community and all that God is doing through our mission workers and local partners.
SIM Australia is committed to making Jesus known in least reached communities. Learn more about who we are.
‘By Prayer’ is the motto for SIM. Join us in praying for the Gospel to be shared in communities where He is least known.
Find a SIM mission worker, ministry or project that you wish to support. You are a vital part of all that God is doing in partnering with us on mission!
Support services can take many forms, but their purpose is the same: remove as many obstacles as possible from allowing God’s good news to get to hard places. These roles are vital in bringing God’s good news to communities where people are living and dying without it.
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“It is a great privilege and honour for me to be able to counsel, support, and care for mission workers throughout the world with the same comfort God has so graciously provided for me.”
– SIM worker serving in Thailand
Would you like to discuss with us how you could serve with your unique gifts and skills? Talk to one of our experienced Mission Mobilisers at SIM today!