“Let the call of Christ be heard and heeded through the din of the world’s conflict, and let the church rise to a worthy endeavour to accomplish speedily the work entrusted to her.”

– Dr Roland Bingham, a SIM Founder

Making Christ known for 130+ years

Our founders were pioneers who faced overwhelming physical, mental and spiritual challenges because they each had a burden to see the Gospel take root and bear fruit in the lives of the least reached. 

Today, SIM continues to call God’s people to partner with us and venture into the farthest corners of the world, sharing the Good News about Jesus with the least reached. Will you join us? 

SIM’s History

An Impossible Vision

In 1893, three courageous young men – Bingham, Gowans and Kent – landed at what is today known as Lagos, Nigeria with a bold vision: to establish a Christian witness amongst the 60 million unreached people living in the region that was then known as the Soudan in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite being told by established missions that it was impossible, these young men remained undeterred. 

Shortly after arriving in Nigeria, Gowans and Kent died of malaria. The third man, Rowland Bingham, returned home seriously ill. Refusing to give up, Bingham tried again. This time the fever forced him to return home for good. Little did he know that God had another important role for him. If he couldn’t be a mission worker, then Bingham would become a mission mobiliser! 

A Mission Mobiliser

Bingham mobilised a team of courageous Christians who eventually achieved his vision. His passion and conviction inspired others to finish what he started, with his two friends. 

In 1902, a team of mission workers sent by Bingham set up a base in sub-Saharan Africa 800 km inland (modern day Nigeria). Bingham continued to serve tirelessly on the home-front, supporting the team through prayer, letters, funds and telling their stories. 

This was the beginning of the Sudan Interior Mission which has grown to become the global organisation we know today as SIM (Serving in Mission). 

Stronger Together

Over time, other mission organisations that shared the same vision of reaching least reached communities with the Gospel joined SIM. Today, we carry forward the legacy they began, making disciples of Jesus in partnership with churches. SIM is an international partnership that originated from diverse roots across the globe. Our founders acknowledged their common mission vision and understood that together, they would be stronger as one mission society: SIM, Serving in Mission. 

  • 1982 SIM merged with the Andes Evangelical Mission (AEM) in South America 
  • 1989 SIM Merged with International Christian Fellowship (ICF) serving in South Asia  
  • 1998: SIM merged with Africa Evangelical Fellowship (AEF) serving in southern Africa 
  • 2016: SIM joined hands with Middle East Christian Outreach (MECO) 

SIM International


mission workers

representing 70+


serving in 70+


SIM Australia


mission workers

serving in 1,000


serving in 30+


Our distinct focus

Least Reached Communities

We are convinced that every community in the world needs to hear God’s Good News, so we facilitate mission workers to serve with their skills in least reached communities.

Multicultural Teams

We send mission workers of any nationality and celebrate ethnic diversity.

Local Partnerships 

We partner closely with churches, Bible colleges, schools and hospitals.

SIM today

Our founders were pioneers who faced overwhelming physical, mental and spiritual challenges because they each had a burden to see the Gospel take root and bear fruit in the lives of the least reached.

Today SIM continues to call God’s people to partner with us and venture into the farthest corners of the world so we can share the Good News about Jesus with the least reached. Will you join us?